marketing genius

Welcome to my little corner on the internet, where I share my journey in the marketing industry.

Although I might not be a marketing genius yet, I'm on a mission to get there. Whether you're a fellow marketing newbie or someone eyeing the industry from afar, consider this space your digital guide to navigating the marketing world.

Expect posts on industry trends, personal experiences, and the occasional 'Aha!' moment that I hope will help in your marketing journey.

How did you get into marketing?

During the second lockdown, we were allowed to form a support bubble. I formed one with my friends who lived in the same area as me. One of us had a clothing brand, and we would discuss possible ways to grow the business. I randomly came up with the idea of starting a newsletter to build community and alert people about drops, events, etc.


Free trucker hat campaign brief

Did they listen to your idea?

Lol, yes, they did. We didn’t have a mailing list, so to build one, we came up with a giveaway. We gave out 50 trucker hats on Instagram to people who signed up for the newsletter.

It was a mini-campaign, to be honest. He involved his artist friend and another popular friend to help gain more traction.

It was quite successful. We hit 350 subscribers, way more than our goal of 100–250. Then we went on to send out two newsletters.


I studied Economics for my undergraduate degree and Marketing Analytics for my post-grad (btw, this was way after the newsletter campaign)

What’s ‘Debby Our Marketing Genius about?

I know the name Marketing Genius; it seems like I know it all (but it’s ironic). These are my years of learning, building my skills and gaining as much experience as I can to get me to where I want to be.

So, in short, Debby Our Marketing Genius is my marketing diary and a reference point for people trying to enter or who are already in the marketing industry. It serves as a space where I share my marketing journey, document my growth and provide insights for those looking to enter the field.

So far, how has your learning journey been?

So far, my learning journey has been all over the place, if I'm honest. But the beauty of it is that everything I've learned has come in handy at some point.

Any tips for those getting into marketing?

Get hands-on—whether through personal or mock projects. Consider crafting hypothetical content for a brand you admire or approaching local businesses. There are some places where you can find fake briefs (I will write a blog post on that next, actually).

Courses are helpful, but practical application is key. Plus, it's a great way to showcase your skills to potential employers.

So aside from marketing, what else do you like or enjoy?

Honestly, I find this question so hard to answer because I enjoy so many things: fashion, travel, sports and fitness, beauty, personal finance, and music (shout out to Debs on the beat, IYKYK lol). Right now, my focus is mainly fashion, travel and wellness/fitness due to my current role. 

I know you asked about interests outside of marketing, but here's the thing: my dream marketing CV would include all these industries.

Are you excited about this journey?

Yes, this is the first time I am putting myself out there in a long time, and I am much more confident in myself.


visual representation of my journey so far